
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Secrets of success of my disabled child

Ubqari Magazine - April 2019

Complete faith the complete faith is that when havoc comes in your life then don’t blame God rather consider it a blessing and be thankful. (Sufyan Sori رحمتہ اللہ علیہ)

Respected Hazrat Hakeem Sahib  Asslam o Alikum! I have only one son, his age is 16 years. He has been a patient of cramped muscles. He cannot do his work on his own. He cannot walk properly, cannot talk and cannot speak. He studies in sixth grade in school of special children. He always used to get a writer in exam whole and writes the paper for him. My sons name is Muhammad Ali. He always scores second position in class. I met you and my special child became a follower of you in that clinic.  You gave us a Wazifa of (space for Arabic text) all the folks of my house started to recite it.  My son completed one chapter of Wazifa very quickly. Second term started then I was surprised my son came first. My son was very happy, I said keep on reciting and I will accept your status when you will come first in annual exam, and surprisingly came first in annual examination. This is my observation of (space for Arabic text) which is unbelievable and an example in its own whoever did it have benefited. (Shabana Anjum Lahore)

Impossible work and very impossible work becomes possible.

Respected Hazrat Hakeem sahib Asslam o Alikum, may God keep you and your generation happy wealthy, healthy and on you and your family and your generation and keep on all the readers and their generation a special grace and a special look on them. Amin sum Amin

I come in every seminar of Tasbeeh Khana, Lahore and I get to learn a lot. When I came in your seminar then I found the truth of life that the life which has been given by Allah that is to be spent in pious and good deeds.  In your seminar I have learned a few Wazaaif which have benefited me a lot

I am a student of inter part one. In my matric exam which was told by you.  Which is

ربنا اتنا فی الدنیا حسنتہ و فی الاخرۃ حسنتہ و قنا عذاب النار

which I used to recite a night before exam and after getting up in morning on day of exam. After my exam then I used to blow after reciting last 6 Surahs of Quran due to which I am a student of such a good college. Due to coming in seminar when I saw my result then I was surprised that how did I score such good marks. Then I believed that it is all due to Wazaif of and out of these Wazaif surah KOUSAR is also included.  Since I have begun to recite them there is a lot of Blessings and due to surah Quresh every impossible thing becomes possible. One more observation that I want to share with readers that when my college started due to some reason I couldn’t go to college and my father was unhappy. I apologized a lot but let alone my apology he wasn’t even listening to me. I prayed a lot and I said a lot of Nawafil. I recited a lot of Wazaif and a lot of them which were written in Ubqari magazine and I did them with the belief that father will not be angry with me. And when I apologized again then he accepted and started to talk to me the way he used to. Then I said Nawafil of thanks that O God it is your blessing that father’s anger has been removed and the Wazaif, I did the most important was first Kalma and (ربنا اتنا فی الدنیا حسنتہ و فی الاخرۃ حسنتہ و قنا عذاب النار

) keep my name hidden.

(hidden Lahore )

For success in every righteous act a very procedure

Respected Hazrat Hakeem Sahib Asslam o Alikum! We all folks of the house go to Tasbeeh khan to listen to your seminar and gather a lot of blessings. Readers I have a great act for success in every righteous way and for saving yourself from tensions. Just do it with belief and attention and then see your circumstances change in a few days. After every prayer or may be after Fajar prayer only five times Drood Taj and five times Surah Muzammil absolutely. And for your success cry in front of God Almighty. By the will of God in few days your problem will be solved. Do it for a few days definitely. (Farhat Lahore)

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